Good morning world. I am Brian and this is my blog.
Obviously I am not one for following trends, as my wardrobe will attest. Not in the pretentious way mind you (which is not to say I am not pretentious, I consider it self-evident as you are beginning to). Rather, I am possessed of the kind of laziness which has resulted in an overdeveloped imagination, an abundance of free time and a general ignorance of the inside of the Boole library at UCC.
With this in mind I declare that today, June 4th 2007, marks my initiation into the overpopulated and ego-inflated world of blogging.
Credit for my conversion can be largely attributed to my friend and occasional philosophical adversary Cian Boland. It would be remiss of me not to offer a plug at this point, so why not head on over to www.cianboland.com once you are done reading this and take a look at the indirect antecedent to what I hope will become a fairly adequate and accurate repository for my thoughts.
Don’t worry about the language either, I tend to have my multi-syllabic moods (read: pretentious). This can be contrasted with my ‘trying to be funny’ moods (read: overly sarcastic, bitter), and my ‘long nasty rant’ moods (that’s a pretty accurate description.) I am also fond of parentheses.
I have no idea as regards what the regular length or frequency of these blogs will be. I intend on posting some of the more philosophically/politically-themed diatribes from my profile on Bebo.com.
Comments are welcomed and encouraged. I am a fan of pointless exercises like debating on the internet and trying to name all fifty states (I always forget Delaware).
In any case, this initial entry is intended to serve as both an introduction and an exercise to see if I have actually managed to establish the webpage. Assuming you are reading this, there should already be some posts above which will hopefully give an indicator of the future content of this blog.
That’s all from me. Happy reading.
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