Wednesday, 4 July 2007

We apologise for the break in transmission, please bear with us.

Right so it has taken me a month to update this blog, which is not completely due to laziness to be fair. I've been busy trying to justify not working for the summer by getting down to actually writing the book I've been planning for over five years now. In any case, I'm off to Europe (the mainland that is) in about two weeks to see lots of places and hopefully not get lost/robbed/gay-bashed/all of the above.

However, I plan on giving control of the blog to my boyfriend Jonathan so that he may amuse my multitude of non-existent readers with his wit and charm etc.
To be honest, his ramblings are much more entertaining to read than anything I would be capable of so enjoy it while you can. If I am persuasive enough I'll make him stay full-time and share blogging duties with me. In the mean time, check out what those crazy Poles are doing below...


Anonymous said...


Europ has no mainland, stroke islands, stroke self governing, semi autonimous region. You must b e thinking of the region as described in your foreign policy classes at UCLU.

If you haven't been then you haven't learned.

{Learn Greek or Latin or even English, every empire falls eventually}


Brian Carey said...

I think you'll find the suggestion he was making in the terms chosen that you took issue with was one of literary expedience rather than ignorance.

He used the term because his travels will take him all over said continent/countries of the political entity known as the European Union, and it was easier and faster to write "Europe" (in tandem with the term "mainland" to differentiate it from the British Isles which are a part of the EU, and where the author and myself both call home... a point which, you'll agree, negates your comment regarding UCLA policy classes and the implication of geographical/cultural ignorance on part of the author that implies) than to write the name of each individual country he intended to visit. Particularly as the list was not finalised at the time of the blog in question.

Thanks for the comment :)

Brian Carey said...

As long as we're being pedantic, permit me to stoop to your level and point out the irony in lecturing me on a place called 'Europ'.

Brian Carey said...

And since this is about as much debate as anything has generated on this blog thus far, I shall take the liberty to be *really* pedantic and paste the following from Wikipedia to clarify matters for my most avid reader: "Continental Europe, also referred to as mainland Europe or simply the Continent, is the continent of Europe, explicitly excluding European islands and, at times, peninsulas.

Notably, in British English and Hiberno-English usage, the term means Europe excluding the British Isles."

Anonymous said...

Well said.